1975 Gran Torino conversion to Starsky & Hutch replica started May 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
It's so stinking hot here!
June 17, 2008
It was 114 today. It's a good thing I am used to it.
Just a short note for today. It took me about 2 hours but I reattached the mounting brackets and the a/c compressor. Small hands and long fingers help.
114º! No wonder you want the air conditioning fixed. I was working on mine in 80º heat and was suffering, I wouldn't even venture out in your temperatures. Steve
Teresa, I can relate... it was mid summer when I installed the missing components of my AC system! Trouble was, I didn't have little hands so I think I installed mine two or three times because I'd get so far and have to back track a bit because I couldn't get a certain fastener installed at that particular point in the assembly process so I pulled things back apart to get that fastener in, then continued to put things back together until I hit another snag and would have to back pedal some more. I did however get all the hard parts installed but left the hoses until the point in the reassembly of the car when I can turn it over to an AC shop and have them install new o-rings and pressure check everything prior to charging. Check out my blog I started after reading about your project (Steve turned me on to your blog)! Any way I can be of assistance, please don't hesitate to e-mail me!! JOE KLEIN PS: Do I have your name correct?
114º! No wonder you want the air conditioning fixed. I was working on mine in 80º heat and was suffering, I wouldn't even venture out in your temperatures. Steve
I can relate... it was mid summer when I installed the missing components of my AC system! Trouble was, I didn't have little hands so I think I installed mine two or three times because I'd get so far and have to back track a bit because I couldn't get a certain fastener installed at that particular point in the assembly process so I pulled things back apart to get that fastener in, then continued to put things back together until I hit another snag and would have to back pedal some more.
I did however get all the hard parts installed but left the hoses until the point in the reassembly of the car when I can turn it over to an AC shop and have them install new o-rings and pressure check everything prior to charging.
Check out my blog I started after reading about your project (Steve turned me on to your blog)! Any way I can be of assistance, please don't hesitate to e-mail me!!
PS: Do I have your name correct?
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